More Detail on the Phenom II X4 910e

I was actually surprised by the number of folks who were interested in the Phenom II X4 910e. It's a voltage binned Phenom II X4 running at 2.6GHz that falls in a 65W TDP envelope.

The performance is no different than the regular 95W Phenom II X4 910, it just uses a lot less power since it runs at a much lower voltage. Some of you wanted to know exactly what that voltage was. The table below gives you more detail on our CPU as well as a standard 125W Phenom II X4 965 BE (unfortunately I don't have any 95W X4s to compare it to):

Processor Idle Voltage Load Voltage
AMD Phenom II X4 965 (125W) 0.992V 1.392V
AMD Phenom II X4 910e (65W) 0.976V 1.168V



It's a pretty significant difference in voltage (and power consumption) but you do pay handsomely for the privilege. The 910e costs as much as a Phenom II X4 955: $169.

That seems to be it until we get Zosma and Thuban in late Q2. See you then.

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  • vinxander - Sunday, August 29, 2010 - link

    Can I unlock the two cores with this motherboard?

    Gigabyte GA-MA785GPMT-UD2H

    North Bridge: AMD 785G
    South Bridge: AMD SB710
  • mavantot - Thursday, May 19, 2011 - link

    guys pls help me how to unlock phenom II x2 (3.2ghz) 555 black edition part number hdz555wfk2dgm..its unlockable right??but how will i unlock the hidden cores using msi 880gms-e35 motherboard..pls help..thanks motherboard has a unlock feature but not like ACC advance clock calibration..only "unlock core" setting in the bios,,but then when i started to enable the unlock core setting and save the settings and boot up then after that my cpu cant start booting and turned off by itself.,
  • peroludiarom - Thursday, June 21, 2012 - link

    Hi to all,

    I know that most probably you have already find your solution, but I think that the below article may help others that are interested in Unlocking and Overclocking Phenom II X2 family.

    I just wrote my first article about overclocking and unlocking Phenom II X2 555, and I want to share my knowledge with all of you:

    I Hope this will helpful for you.

    Vladimir Iliev

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