Alienware M11x: World’s Smallest Gaming Laptop
by Jarred Walton on March 30, 2010 8:16 AM ESTOnce Again, the LCD Fails
Finally, we have the LCD quality results. As mentioned in the introduction, the large bezel makes us think Alienware should have stuck a 13.3" 16:10 display into the chassis. The M11x may have an 11.6" LCD, but the chassis is about the same size as a 13" laptop. Also, we're not fans of glossy LCDs—I have mirrors in my bathroom if I want to check my hair! Considering the price premium on the M11x (the model we tested will sell for around $1200), there's really no excuse for a sub-par LCD… and sub-par it is.

We really think the minimum contrast ratio any modern laptop should deliver is 500:1, and the M11x achieves about half of that. The color accuracy is average at best (though we have yet to find a standout laptop LCD in terms of color accuracy), and the color gamut is a disappointing 44% of Adobe RGB. ASUS put a great LCD in their Eee PC 1001p, and they did the same for the G73J (review forthcoming). If you're making a budget laptop and you want to cut corners on LCD quality, we understand that, but there's no way you can bill the M11x as a budget offering. The keyboard, chassis, GPU, and overall design are all clearly the result of some good engineering and component choices. Why does the LCD always get the short shrift!? Since this is a TN panel, viewing angles are similarly disappointing, particularly the vertical viewing where a slight shift of your head or the screen results in a dramatic color shift.
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JarredWalton - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
Hi everyone,In case you have any questions for me, I'm very likely not going to be able to respond for a few days. My wife is in labor, and I'll be heading out shortly, so wish us luck! Hope you enjoy the M11x review!
Jarred Walton
Lunyone - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
Good luck! Hope all goes well with mom and kid. Hope that they both are healthy and I'll officially welcome you to parenthood! Lot's of work and sleepless nights, but well worth it, IMHO!JarredWalton - Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - link
Corbin Derrik Walton was born yesterday (March 30) at 2:33PM PDT.Mom and baby are doing fine, and we had a great experience. We used a midwife and delivered at the local birthing center, and after having my first daughter delivered in a hospital I have to say that this was an awesome change--much more intimate and relaxed, and the birthing tub was extremely helpful!
This is my second child, but Becky (my new wife's) first, and she was amazing! After around eight hours of labor, she gave birth au natural to our gigantic baby boy: 10 pounds, 4 ounces, and 21.5 inches long! We're back home, I managed to get some sleep for the first time in two days, and mom is trying to do likewise (with less success of course, since there's a big little boy wanting food on a regular basis).
Thanks for the well wishes, and thanks for the comments... I'll have to look through them in detail later.
Matt Campbell - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
Congratulations Jarred! Great news :)therealnickdanger - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
On the "baby and stuff":Congratulations and God bless!
On the article:
Very nice, I'm happy that you pointed out the lack of Optimus, Arrandale CULV, and driver issues. Even if the MX11 was $500, I would still hesitate given the potential for the MX11 mark 2. I was very excited for the MX11 after CES... then what seemed like only a month later I saw all the press surrounding Optimus and Arrandale CULV. Bad timing, indeed.
teko - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
Good luck =)fabarati - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
Congratulations Jarred!at80eighty - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
Best wishes man! hope all goes smooth & happy!Voo - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
All the best and don't worry about us! We'll just wait and bombard your mailbox with mails.. uh no that wasn't a threat, really ;)MonkeyPaw - Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - link
Hope your baby enjoys his/her new gaming notebook!